M80 250CFM Portable Diesel Compressor

M80 250CFM Portable Diesel Compressor

Manufacturer: Kaeser

Code: C11308

Model: M80


KAESER’s renowned MOBILAIR range of portable compressors is manufactured in a state-of-the-art production facility located directly next to the KAESER main plant in Coburg, Northern Bavaria. Equipped with the very latest technology, the recently modernised portable compressor plant boasts TÜV (German Technical Inspection Agency) certified sound testing facilities for free-field sound level measurement, an advanced powder coating installation and highly efficient production logistics. With minimal turn-around time, KAESER’s highly qualified personnel are able to assemble portable compressors of all sizes and equipment levels to suit our customers’ specific needs.

Contact Details

CV Hire Centre LTD
Kingfield Road Coventry CV6 5AS And Unit 3 Welton Rd Warwick CV34 5PZ COVENTRY 07912254694 | WARWICK 07841044594 davewebstercvhirecentre@gmail.com

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